Techniques for parsing C declarators

2022-05-01 20:01

1. Representation of types

Compiler writers need a programmatic representation of types in the source program for both deciphering the semantics of some operators, and type checking to aid the programmer. The most obvious data structure for this purpose is a discriminated union.

To construct such type objects, each variant's constructor takes its member type(s) as parameters. Each constructor can also check them for semantic correctness, and return either the constructed object, or an error. For example, if we want to enforce a C like rule that functions cannot return or take as parameters arrays, or other functions, the constructor for the function variant would have to check this.

If we consider a simple programming language with integers, pointers, arrays, and functions, our data structure will look like:

Type = Void                     ; Return type of procedures
     | Integer                  ; Integer value
     | Pointer {                ; Pointer to value with base_type
        base_type: Type
     | Array {                  ; Array of elem_count values with elem_type
        elem_type: Type,
        elem_count: int,
     | Function {               ; Function of param_types to return_type
        return_type: Type,
        param_types: [Type],

2. The academic's reality

Obviously source programs start their life as text written by the programmer, thus we somehow need to turn syntax into a sequence of calls to the constructors described above.

Some programming languages such as Rust have a straightforward syntax for declaring types. For example, a Rust-like syntax for the simple type system above can be described by the grammar below.

Writing a parser that constructs such a data structure from the grammar above is trivial. For instance using an LR parser generator the semantic action for each rule is just a call to the constructor of the variant in question.

<type>      ::= int                             => Type::Integer
              | * <type>                        => Type::Pointer($2)
              | [ <type> ; <expr> ]             => Type::Array($2, $4)
              | fn ( <type-list>? )             => Type::Function($3, Type::Void)
              | fn ( <type-list>? ) -> <type>   => Type::Function($3, $6)

<type-list> ::= <type>
              | <type-list> , <type>

3. C: Syntax from 1969

As it turns out, the vague "some programming" languages above didn't include C, one of the most popular programming language in the world. Instead, in C, types are declared together with a name using a structure called a declarator. The idea behind this is that the declaration of a variable matches exactly what the programmer can do with it.

The unary prefix operator * is used to de-reference a pointer, the postfix operators [] and () are used for arrays accesses and function calls. The postfix operators in C have the higher precedence and they associate left-to-right, prefix associate right-to-left. Parenthesis can be used to override precedence in both cases. Following these rules results in the grammar below:

<pri-expr>  ::= ( <expr> )
              | IDENTIFIER
              | <pri-expr> [ <expr> ]
              | <pri-expr> ( <expr-list> )

<sec-expr>  ::= <pri-expr>
              | "*" <sec-expr>


Declarations follow essentially the same syntax, the only difference is they are introduced by keywords known as "type specifiers". These words specify the "base type" (my term, not in ISO/IEC 9899) of the declarator(s) to follow. The base type will become the base_type of any pointer declarators that follow, the elem_type of any array declarators, and so on. For the purpose of this discussion we assume a declaration is introduced by one of the words int or void, and each declaration only contains one declarator. Using these assumptions, we end up with the following grammar:

<declaration>    ::= <type-specifier> <declarator>

<type-specifier> ::= int
                   | void

<pri-decl>       ::= ( <declarator> )
                   | IDENTIFIER
                   | <pri-decl> [ <expr> ]
                   | <pri-decl> ( <declaration-list> )

<declarator>     ::= <pri-decl>
                   | "*" <declarator>


Coming up with the grammar was a reasonably easy task, the problem is that this grammar above cannot be easily annotated with semantic actions that produce the data structure in the first section. Parsers using the grammar above will walk the declarator "inside-out". In each reduction we have as an operand the type whose constructor should take the type just to be constructed as an arguement. To create the data structure we need to fold the declarator "back-in". The following sections will introduce four approaches to accomplish this.

4. Clean solution in two passes

First we will explore a solution that leads directly from the grammar above. Instead of trying to construct types while parsing, we introduce the data type below to temporarily represent a declarator after parsing. This can be constructed trivially using semantic actions attached to our grammar.

The semantic value of a <declarator> will be a linked list of declarators in precedence order, and re-associated left-to-right. Then in the action code for <declaration> we can combine the list with the type specifiers to derive the final type and name of the declaration. For example, the declaration int *(*my_array)[5][6] and will result in the linked-list *[6][5]*my_array. Then after combination with the type specifiers, will lead to the type (in the notation from section 2) *[[*int; 6]; 5].

The algorithm that accomplished this is described below. It takes the type specifiers to be the first element, then just walks the list. On each element we take the type constructed for the previous element, and the values from the object to construct the next type:

Decl = Name     { name: String }
     | Pointer  { next: Decl }
     | Array    { next: Decl, elem_count: int }
     | Function { next: Decl, param_types: [Type] }

<declaration>    ::= <type-specifier> <declarator>      => f($1, $2)

<pri-decl>       ::= ( <declarator> )                   => $2
                   | IDENTIFIER                         => Decl::Name($1)
                   | <pri-decl> [ <expr> ]              => Decl::Array($1, $3)
                   | <pri-decl> ( <declaration-list> )  => Decl::Function($1, $3)

<declarator>     ::= <pri-decl>                         => $1
                   | "*" <declarator>                   => Decl::Pointer($2)

f (Type, Decl)
    [prev, Name { name }]                  (prev, name)
    [prev, Pointer { next }]               f(Type::Pointer(prev), next)
    [prev, Array { next, elem_count }]     f(Type::Array(prev, elem_count), next)
    [prev, Function { next, param_types }] f(Type::Function(prev, param_types), next)

The reason this method is being referred to as "The Good" is because it can be implemented using immutable data structures, and leaves our easy to understand method for constructing type objects unchanged. The downside is that it allocates extra memory, and takes two passes over each declarator to arrive at the type. In practice, this is not an issue on modern computers for a language as simple as C, for example the Plan 9 C compiler uses this method.

5. Hacking our way to a single pass

The second approach re-works the grammar in an attempt to parse the declarators in a more natural order required for type construction. Using this strategy we will be able to parse declarators in one pass, and do constructor calls in most places to construct types. However it leads to a chicken-and-egg problem with parenthesised declarators that we will only be able to resolve by either breaking away from traditional left-to-right parsing, or by deviating from the value based ownership model of our recursive structures, and acknowledging their true, reference based nature.

First, ignoring parenthesised declarators, it's reasonably easy to construct the grammar below that parses declarations in our desired order. The arguments to the constructor calls for the suffixes are not easily available to an LR parser generator (without using hacks such as negative offsets into the stack). However if we consider recursive descent parsing, each function corresponding to the non-terminals could take the previous type it "wraps" as a parameter, circumventing this problem.

; The algorithm using recursive descent is described using a hyptohetical extension
; of a parser generator where non-terminals can be parameterized by their context.

<declaration>    ::= <prefix> IDENTIFIER                    => ($1, $2)
                   | <prefix> IDENTIFIER <suffix($1)>       => ($3, $2)

<prefix>         ::= int                                    => Type::Integer
                   | void                                   => Type::Void
                   | <prefix> *                             => Type::Pointer($1)

<suffix(prev)>   ::= [ <expr> ] <suffix(prev)>              => Type::Array($4, $2)
                   | ( <declaration-list> ) <suffix(prev)>  => Type::Function($4, $2)
                   | [ <expr> ]                             => Type::Array(prev, $2)
                   | ( <declaration-list> )                 => Type::Array(prev, $2)

Now we re-introduce declarator grouping using paranthesis and discuss how this leads to the chicken-and-egg problem. This requires turning prefix into a parametric parsing function like suffix, and re-introducing the non-terminal <declarator> that parenthesis can recurse to.

From reading the obvious implementation below the problem is apparent, the fourth production for declarator calls a parametric parsing function with a parameter that couldn't possible have been constructed by any left-to-right parser at the time when the parameter is needed. This is because the parenthised declarator "wraps" both the prefixes and suffixes of the outer declarator.

<declaration>      ::= <type-specifier> <declarator($1)>                => $2

; The fourth production of this non-terminal has an impossible forward reference
<declarator(prev)> ::= <prefix(prev)> IDENTIFIER                        => ($1, $2)
                     | <prefix(prev)> IDENTIFIER <suffix($1)>           => ($3, $2)
                     | <prefix(prev)> ( <declarator($1)> )              => $3
                     | <prefix(prev)> ( <declarator($5)> ) <suffix($1)> => $3

<prefix(prev)>     ::= *                                                => Type::Pointer(prev)
                     | <prefix> *                                       => Type::Pointer($1)

<suffix(prev)>     ::= [ <expr> ] <suffix(prev)>                        => Type::Array($4, $2)
                     | ( <declaration-list> ) <suffix(prev)>            => Type::Function($4, $2)
                     | [ <expr> ]                                       => Type::Array(prev, $2)
                     | ( <declaration-list> )                           => Type::Array(prev, $2)

5.1. The time-travellers solution

The first proposed solutions is to deviate from traditional left-to-right parsing, and make the parser rewindable. This can be done by either pre-lexing the entire input file into a list of tokens, or if lexing a seekable input, making the lexical analyzer's state restorable.

; The declarative notation above is hardly adequate for describing how this
; solves the problem, thus an explicit imperative notation is used here.

; The function below implements the following production rule:
;  <prefix(prev)> ( <declarator($5)> ) <suffix($1)> => $3

declarator(prev) {
   ; Obtain the value of $1 as normal
   let $1 = <prefix(prev)>
   match (
   ; Save the parser state just before the nested declarator
   let S1 = save_state()
   ; Assume a non-parametric version of declarator also exists.
   ; This would just consume the declarator but produce no results.
   match )
   ; Now we will be able to obtain the value of $5
   let $5 = <suffix($1)>
   ; Save the state at the end of the declarator
   let S2 = save_state()
   ; Restore the state for the nested declarator and parse it,
   ; now with the value of $5 available.
   let $3 = <declarator($5)>
   ; Then we can restore to the end and return $3

This does solve the problem and keep our type construction scheme intact, however it adds a lot of complexity to the parsing machinery, and a second pass over nested declarators.

Nontheless this scheme is used by some compilers such as rui314's chibicc. In chibicc's case it is easy to implement as the entire token stream is available as a linked list, thus save_state and restore_state are just one pointer assignment. However this solutions falls short of the "one pass" claim of the section title.

5.2. Backpatching the type

Another solution to the problem is relaxing our construction scheme. In reality programming languages usually implement recursive types by containing pointers with the member of the same type being stored in a different allocation.

This way we can resolve the forward dependency by providing a pointer to an allocation with the required size, but placeholder contents. Then later, when the correct contents are known we can overwrite the placeholder. The only downside is that we cannot do semantic checking in the constructor of types, as obviously the constructor cannot determine if the placeholder type will be a valid member.

The semantic checking problem can be resolved by either another pass over the entire type structure (not going to be explored as we've already explored multiple two pass solutions). Or by declarators returning a reference to the function that must be used to check the replacement of the placeholder type when it is available.

declarator(prev) {
   let $1 = <prefix(prev)>
   match (
   let placeholder = alloc
   let ($3, checker) = <declarator(placeholder)>
   match )
   let $5 = <suffix($1)>
   write placeholder, $5

This solution is implemented by rui314's 8cc minus the delayed semantic checking, that compiler just makes the assumption that the source program doesn't contain nonsensical types like a function returning an array. This is acceptable the compiler is only required to exhibit deterministic behavior on compliant programs, however it is highly inconvenient to the user.

With that said this solution with delayed semantic checking seems workable, and there are probably production compilers that use it. However the result will probably look like the kind of code that will make the unsuspecting CS student want to quit programming forever. It also interferes with certain memory management scheme like interning or reference counting.

6. Who said one pointer is enough?

Could the "true rockstar", not afraid of one, two, or even three layers of indirection solve this problem with less hacks? Perhaps, we can learn from the "real programmers" of the last century and even take the address of a couple pointers ourselves.

Going back to the clean grammar from Section 4, and thinking "inside-out" we can observe that it is possible to provide the address of the location that will have to contain the pointer to the type to be constructed to the action code. Downside is we will need to construct types before their members, but combining this with the delayed type checking idea from Section 5, we end up with a working solution with the obvious grammar.

; I won't even attempt to describe this algorithm in any notation other than C
; The delayed type checking makes this even uglier and implementing it left as
; an "exercise" to the reader :)

declarator(Type **out_head, Type ***out_tail, String *out_name)
    if (maybe_want(TK_MUL)) {
        declarator(out_head, out_tail);
        **out_tail = Type::Pointer;
        *out_tail = &(***out_tail).base_type;
    } else {
        if (maybe_want(TK_LPAREN)) {
            declarator(out_head, out_tail, out_name);
        } else {
        for (;;) {
            if (maybe_want(TK_LSQ)) {
                let cnt = expr();
                want(self, TK_RSQ);
                **out_tail = Type::Array(cnt);
                *out_tail = &(***out_tail).elem_type;
            } else if (maybe_want(TK_LPAREN)) {
                let param_types = declaration_list();
                want(self, TK_RPAREN);
                **out_tail = Type::Function(param_types);
                *out_tail = &(***out_tail).elem_type;
            } else {

    // Here is how to call this
    let head = NULL;
    let tail = &head;
    let name;
    declarator(&head, &tail, &name);
    *tail = base_type;

    // Then finally (head, name) is the value of the declaration
    (head, name)

This took many tries to get (hopefully) correct, and is very hard to understand, or reason about. However it is a legitimate way of parsing C declarators in one pass, thus it is included here for completeness.